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Federal Government Resources

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Cases of Note

  • Famous Trials including Andrew Johnson & Clinton impeachments, Oklahoma Boming, Mississippi Burning, Lincoln Conspiracy, etc. (University of Missouri-Kansas City, School of Law)
  • Top 10 Landmark Supreme Court Cases - (Time Magazine)
  • The Sleepy Lagoon Case - account of "the notorious trial that took place in Los Angeles in 1942, "which concerned the murder of a Mexican American man by alleged "zoot suiters"
  • With an Even Hand: Brown v. Board at Fifty - presents more than 80 photos, letters, newspapers, manuscripts, maps, music, & films related to the Supreme Court's 1954 decision that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." The online exhibit is organized in three parts: previous court cases that laid the ground work for the decision, the argument underpinning the ruling & the public's initial response, & the aftermath.
  • "Brown v. Board: Five Communities That Changed America - describes 5 cases the Supreme Court agreed to hear in 1952 under one title: "Brown v. Board of Education;" each contested the "separate but equal" doctrine of the Court's 1896 "Plessy v. Ferguson" decision, which by the 1950s had resulted in 17 states requiring racial segregation in public schools & 4 states allowing it. (NPS,TwHP,NRHP)
  • Nuremburg Trials Project - documents form Case 1, Case 2 and Case 4 orf the military trials, prosecution and defense documents and photographs