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Federal Government Resources

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U.S. Government Accounting Office

is an independent, nonpartisan agency that works for Congress. Often called the "congressional watchdog," Tabs link to key isses and reports pages.

CRS Reports

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) researches public policy for the US Congress. It issues about 3,000 briefs, reports, short issue papers and longer position papers per year on topics under study by Congress; these papers are brief - under 50 pages. It is renowned for its non-partisanship and in-depth analysis.

  Note: CRS Reports do not become public until a member of Congress releases the report.

General Search Site

    Note: Sites have some but not all available reports, so check all to be complete.

CRS Reports - hosted by UNT Libraries collections all they find online back to 1990

Congressional Research Service Reports - unofficial collection of CRS reports on national security-related topics.