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Research guidance for Sociology students

EBSCOHOST Sociology Databases


EBSCOHOST: Other Databases of Interest

Tutt Library subscribes to many databases on EBSCOHOST.  You can search more than one simultaneously by going to "Choose Databases" and selecting several databases from the list. Here's a sample:

Mine bibliographies

Option 1: Bibliographies

Examine the references in articles you've already found then
use Find Journals to get access or request via ILL.

Option 2: Tracking Citations

Web of Science

It contains 3 Scholarly Citation Indexes:

  • Science (1900-present)
  • Social Sciences (1900-present)
  • Arts & Humanities (1975-present)

Find influential articles and track citations.
Find what newer articles have used the original it since it was published.

Recommended for advanced users.


        A Citation Map with forward and backward views. Source: Web of Science (Thomson Reuters)


    - note the "Cited by" links
    - check the search within those results box