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Qualtrics Survey Guide

use this software to create surveys

Qualtircs Create

All point and click

I. Add questions

  • navigation bar on right shows types of and what you can do with them
  • force responses – can’t move forward

 Two Logic Functions

  1. Skip – move past questions
  2. Display – if answer one way, then something

Embed - using rich text editor on questions to change fonts, add files and media
(from publicly hosted sites – ei YouTube)

Advanced Options - to reorder with Auto-number questions

Label – not seen by survey takers, used for viewing results in reports

Add Introduction with page break

  • screen informing who you are
  • what is the purpose of your survey (may have sent with survey link)

II. Look and Feel

 Add progress bar – shows participant how far along they are

III. Survey Options

  • to add for survey takers    
  • "back" navigation
  • save and continue
  • prevent ballot box stuffing (limits 1 entry per computer)
  • ending survey
    • redirect to single report – shows participant how they answered
    • end of survey message from library / thank you – customize

Don’t forget to spell check and preview!

Have sample takers try out and give feedback.