1. Navigate to digitalcc.coloradocollege.edu, click the login button in upper right corner and use your CC credentials to sign in to digitalCC.
2. Hover over Author Profiles at the top of the page, then select Your Author Profile. In the form, the mandatory information is at the top, all other information is highly encouraged but optional. See tips below.
3. When finished with the form, click the green Save Author Profile button. You’ll see your Author Profile page with a banner that says “Your Author Profile will not be publicly visible until content is added to the Works tab.” At this point your profile is only visible to you and to digitalCC admin. Add at least one work to make your profile public and visible to others. See box below Tips for more information on adding works.
Mandatory Info - Everything in this section is mandatory to create your Profile.
Full Name - Use the first name box to include your middle name if desired.
Title - Include your official title at CC.
Institution- This is automatically set to Colorado College.
Department - All Academic Departments are listed; many higher level administrative departments are listed. You may only choose one at this time. Begin typing your department to see if it is included. Email digitalarchives@coloradocollege.edu to make suggestions or with questions.
Additional Info - Everything in this section is optional and all fields except Alternate Name will display on your Profile.
Profile Picture
Alternate Name - Include any alternate name used when publishing. This is used for record matching and will not be displayed on your Author Profile page. Future releases will include the ability to add more than one alternate name.
Display Email - Use your CC email address; this will display on your Author Profile page.
Pronouns - You may choose from three options or type in custom pronouns.
Phone Number - Use your office phone number; this will display on your Author Profile page
Office Location - As this is optional information, you do not need to include this if you don't want to.
Education - The order you enter these is the order they will display on the page.
Link to CV/Resume - This currently is only a link to another website, such as LinkedIn or your CC webpage. Future releases will include the ability to upload a PDF to this section.
To add works, follow the prompts or click the Works tab then use the Add New Works dropdown.
“Upload my Work” takes you to the submission form for digitalCC and will add your work or creation to the repository. You may add pre-prints, open access articles, and self-published works here. Copyright and Creative Commons licensing options are available. If you have questions on whether you’re allowed to submit works to digitalCC, whether you have the rights to do so, reach out to Rebecca Floyd, Digital Scholarship Librarian, at rfloyd@coloradocollege.edu. These works will take a few days to appear as they need to be reviewed and published by digitalCC staff first.
“Find my Records in digitalCC” will search digitalCC for both your entered name and alternate name to identify any works already in digitalCC. For academic advisors, theses where you are listed as an advisor will be listed. You may choose to add these to your profile or not. Keep in mind adding them to your profile will help future department majors and future CC students see the topics your past students’ research focuses on.
“Add External References” is a basic citation with option to link to outside references, including journal articles, websites, book listings, or other places.
All works will appear under “Works to be Categorized.” Click the three dots to the right to Assign Category and choose a Resource Type and your Contribution type.