abstract: a short summary of an article or other work. Helps researchers quickly determine if an article or other work is of interest.
aggregator: an electronic resource containing many electronic publications: journals and possibly trade publications, newspapers and magazines. Aggregators tend to have fluid contents; that is, titles can drop in and out of aggregators very easily. There is no guarantee of perptual access.
citation: publishing information on a particular article, book or other work, including title, author(s), year published, and the journal title (for articles). Helps researchers and library workers locate a particular work.
database: general term for an electronic resource that allows searching and retrieval of information.
eBook: electronic book.
e-journal: electronic journal.
full text: an article, book chapter or other piece of text that is available for viewing, downloading and/or printing. The opposite of full text is citation or abstract.
indexing: when applied to databases, refers to organizing of citations and implies there is no full text.
link resolver: a system that traces links from abstract/index citations to full text, where available. Represented on the public side by
perpetual access: licensed content, usually full text e-journals, which the publisher guarantees perpetual access to. Many of our publishers who guarantee perpetual access deposit their journals in Portico.
Portico: a perpetual access repository, which Tutt Library participates in.
usage statistics: collected data about which databases and titles are used and how often, over a specific time frame. For example, the number of full text articles downloaded by an institution's users from JSTOR in a given year.
vendor: a company or organization that sells products to libraries and/or provides support for electronic publishing. Example: Elsevier is the vendor that publishes ScienceDirect.