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Electronic Resources: Troubleshooting

Quick fixes for when something isn't working; direct journal links; information on costs.

Quick Fixes for Common Problems

Database not working?  Try these solutions to common problems.

  • Change browsers, especially on a Mac.
    • Many times an electronic resource will not display properly on the latest version of Firefox, but it will display fine on Internet Explorer, or vice versa. Safari and Chrome may not work at all.
  • Clear your browser cache, exit the browser, and try the link again
    • Some electronic resources may stop working for no apparent reason. Sometimes clearing the cache and restarting the browser may resolve the problem. 
      • Firefox: Tools -> Clear Recent History -> check Clear Cache -> Clear Now.
      • Internet Explorer: Internet Options -> General -> Browing History: Delete -> Temporary Internet Files and Cookies
  • PDF file not loading or printing correctly?
    • Try a different browser
    • Try saving the file to your desktop and then opening the file in Adobe Acrobat, FoxIt or another PDF viewer.
  • A link isn't working?

    • On Campus: Sometimes, for technical reasons, the library's special link won't work. If you're on campus, you can remove the "proxy wrapper" and try the plain URL.

      The proxy prefix is

      For example, JSTOR's URL (link) is usually  Remove the proxy prefix. The link becomes

      Please contact to report this issue.

    • Off campus: Be sure that you are using the library's links and not trying to reach a resource though Google or another search engine. The plain URL will not work off campus for most subscription resources. The proxy wrapper tells your browser to go through a service called EZProxy, hosted by a major library vendor called OCLC, for whichever resource you're trying to access.

      You will be asked to log in to the system with your CC login credentials, similar to logging in to Banner or Outlook email. If you encounter a problem with your login, please contact ITS.

  • Internet Explorer not displaying a database correctly? (This has happened with Web of Science)
  • Old link: up until 2/14/2019 we were using the WAM proxy system.The proxy wrapper comprises the 0- and parts of the library's URLs.

Not so quick fixes

Sometimes there is no quick fix, but there might be a "slow" fix!  Please report errors to the Reference Desk at 719-389-6661.


Down for maintenance

E-resource systems occasionally need to be taken down for maintenance, whether it's routine or emergency. Let us know if you are experiencing a service outage due to maintenance, and we will contact you when the system comes back up.


We don't subscribe to this resource

If it's an electronic resource that requires a subscription, and we don't have one, you may be out of luck. Unless, of course, we can get a trial set up quickly. You can request articles through ILL (Inter-library Loan).  If an electronic resource is available at a state university library nearby, you may be able to use it on their computers if you can get transportation there. You may also try local public libraries.


We have access to an e-journal, but not the years you need.

Many of our subscriptions do not cover an entire run of a journal.  If you try to retrieve an article from outside of the subscribed date range, you may get a screen that offers a login or purchase offers. Please consult "Find Journals" for online journals and the library catalog for print periodicals. You can request articles for free through ILL. If you find incorrect information, please contact Diane Westerfield at (719) 389-6661 or