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Online Resources and Support for Coursework

Links and support for online learning.


Style Guides

Online: APA Documentation Guide from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Writing Center 
Print copies of APA Publication Manual: BF76.7.P83 2010

Online: ASA Quick Style Guide
Print copies of ASA Style Guide: HM 569.A54 2010

Online: AP Stylebook
Print copies of AP Stylebook: PN4783.A83 2011

Online: Chicago Manual of Style
Print copies of Chicago Manual of Style: PE1478.U69 2003

Online: Purdue University Online Writing Lab (OWL)
Online: MLA Documentation Guide from the University of Wisconsin-Madison Writing Center
Print copies of MLA Handbook: LB2369.G53 2009

Purdue OWL Citation Chart (similar to the old side-by-side comparison)

Citing Government Publications

with MLA from the University of Nevada; DocsCite is an interactive form for generating citations for APA and MLA from Arizona State University; Brief Guide description of how to from the University of Memphis.

Citation Software

Create your own database to store citations to books, articles, etc. from the catalog, Prospector, and library databases. Use these citations to automatically create footnotes and bibliographies in the proper format. Requires registration. See Refworks Tutorial and RefWorks Help and the CC RefWorks FAQ.

A free program for creating quick bibliographies. (Thesis students are advised to use RefWorks.)

What Style Guide Should I Use?

Always use the style guide specified by your professor. If a style is not specified, the following are guidelines for choosing an appropriate system for documenting your sources. Ask a librarian if you need help.

Anthropology: American Anthropological Association’s Style Guide
Biology (Also Natural Sciences): Council of Biology Editors Style Manual
Chemistry: American Chemical Society (ACS) Style Guide
Economics: Turabian (a simplified Chicago style)
English: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers
History: Chicago Manual of Style
Journalism: AP Style
Philosophy: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers
Psychology: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
Religion: MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers
Sociology: American Sociological Association Style Guide

Writing a Thesis?

Please review the Tutt Library Thesis Binding Policy before you print your final version. It will save you time in the long run. Also be sure to get research assistance from a liaison librarian who is a specialist in your subject area.

The Writing Center

The Writing Center offers an arena where students can work through the writing process and improve the expression of their ideas by participating in individualized conferences with trained peer consultants and professional staff. For hours, and to make an appointment visit the Writing Center home page