92 Percent of Most Popular
Federal Government Websites
Fail to Meet Basic Standards for 4 criteria:
New ITIF (Information Technology and Innovation Foundation) Study Finds
(from a March 8, 2017 post)
The five highest-performing websites are:
1. healthdata.gov
2. healthfinder.gov
3. consumerfinance.gov
4. whitehouse.gov (Trump administration)
(The Obama administration’s version of whitehouse.gov ranked 55.)
5. usembassy.gov
The five worst-performing websites among those studied are:
293. usphs.gov (Public Health Services)
294. fmc.gov (Federal Maritime Commission)
295. osti.gov (Office of Scientific and Technical Information)
296. trade.gov (International Trade Administration)
297. ipcc-wg2.gov (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
92 percent of the 297 websites that the authors reviewed failed in at least one category. Some details:
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