Because downloading directly to an e-reader doesn't always work, we are providing instructions here for transferring e-books to e-readers via a computer. In addition, this procedure will allow several books to be downloaded to a computer and then transfered together at one time.
See also Using an E-Reader.
ProQuest Ebook Central (formerly EBL and Ebrary)
Springer Link Ebooks
Oxford Scholarship Online
Adobe Digital Editions is already loaded on library lobby computers and on most computer lab computers.
1.) Go to this link to setup an Adobe account. Your login information will be used to authenticate software later on.
2.) Download and install Adobe Digital Editions (ADE) to your computer.
3.) As part of the download process for ADE, you will be asked to authorize ADE using your Adobe account. If you are not prompted you can authorize ADE by clicking on Library then “Authorize Computer” in the drop down menu in ADE.
4.) Now that ADE is active on your computer, when you download an ebook from the Tutt Library catalog it will be saved in ADE.
5.) You may be asked to create an additional ADE account. Creating this account would allow you to sync ADE across multiple devices. You can opt out by checking the box that says "Continue without creating an Adobe Digital Editions ID". To create this account later: ADE --> Help --> Authorize Computer.