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Finding Psychological Tests Using PsycTests and PsycINFO

To find psychological instruments or tests, first check for a full text of the test by using the PsycTESTS Database.

Note: We are unable to obtain these tests via Inter Library Loan.

If the full text is not available via PsycTESTS, you may be able to find the full text of the test by using the PsycINFO database.



Finding psychological tests using PsycINFO

When searching in PsycINFO, search for the title of the test, and on a new line, search for "Appended" For example, if you were looking for the Food-Relate Motivation Type Scale, you could search for the scale, and add the word "Appended" to your search to find an article that includes a version of this test as a part of the paper.

Psychological Test Critiques and Reviews