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Common Read at CC 2022-23

This guide accompanies the book for CC's Common Read Program.


There are several components to keep in mind while reading, 

  • what happens and what are main themes
  • where is it happening - places, time, physical and social environments
  • who is it happening to, what is their point of view and tone
  • what imagery and symbolism does the author use

How did you related to reading the book?

Did it entertains you? It is the memoirist's duty to make the memoir come alive for the reader.
Did you find it relevant? Readers of memoirs want to relate to the story.
How did it makes you feel? Readers want to find the author authentic.
Did it makes you learn? Readers gain in understanding along with the author,
Do you think about the author and her situation - how did it impact you?

Questions about the book

Did you find the author's story compelling?

What do you think motivated the author to share her story?

When does the author explain the meaning of the title and how does it relate to the contents of the book?

How is the story told? How do the main events relate to each other? Are they resolved?

The author lives and travels to several places in the book; how does place effect the author?

What details contribute to a sense of time and place?

What is your sense of the author? What are her values? How does her attitude effect her decisions about her life?

What passages stand out for you? How do you feel about them?

Were there some aspects of the text that disappointed you or caused you to feel frustrated as a reader? What were they?

How do the ideas in the text connect with the real world and your own life?

How did the memoir make you reflect on your own life?

What did you learn from reading this book? Did the author's purpose in writing her story impart insights to you? What are they?

Are there lingering questions from the book you're still thinking about?