OneSearch is a collection of EBSCO databases, journal packages, and many more resources plus the library's catalog, in one convenient place. OneSearch is great for looking for articles in interdisciplinary areas. It's also the default search on the library home page.
Using AND/OR/NOT (Boolean Search Operators)
AND![]() |
Use AND to focus search and combine different aspects of your topic. Example: vegetarianism and environment |
OR![]() |
Use OR to expand your search and find synonyms/related terms. Example: global warming or climate change |
NOT![]() |
Use NOT to exclude a word or phrase from your search Example: emissions trading not United States |
Additional Search Tips
"Phrase search" - Use quotation marks (" ") to search for a particular phrase. Example: "greenhouse gas emissions" |
Truncation * - Use an asterisk to find variations of a word. Put an asterisk following the root of the word to find all variations of that word, including singular and plural. Example: environment* (finds environments, environmental, environmentalist, etc.) |
(Grouping/Nesting Keywords) - Use parentheses ( ) as a way to group all your search terms together. Example: (climate change or global warming) and population growth |
Place one concept in each search box.
Think of synonyms or related phrases and add those to the relevant search box, with or placed in between the search terms.
Add more search terms to refine your results
Check the Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals box
Use links to locate the full text of articles. "Full text" is library jargon for getting the actual article, not just the abstract.