Use the south facing Tava Quad doors.
Tap your Gold Card to open the door.
Show your card and completed COVID-19 self-assessment in the CC Mobile app at our Welcome Desk.
The building is only open to current CC students and employees.
CC students, faculty, and staff can use Tutt Library study spaces and computers by reservation only Walk-up reservations are made at the Welcome Desk as space allows.
If you need to print and do not have a seat reservation, check in at the Welcome Desk and then go the ITS: Solutions Center on the first floor of the Library.
You do not need an appointment to print. If you are studying in the library, you can still use Papercut to release your print jobs. There are printers on every floor of the Library.
Request books and other items for pick-up in a no-contact environment across from the Circulation Desk.
Off-campus students who aren’t authorized to be on campus may request curbside pickup in the C1 parking lot
Campus Safety is delivering books to students in quarantine or isolation.
If you are a thesis student living outside of Colorado Springs, you can request books to be ordered or sent to you by contacting your liaison librarian
Yes, you may use books and other print materials while in the Library. Seat reservations will be necessary for use of all non-circulating physical materials. Once you have touched a book, do not re-shelve it. Either bring it to the circulation desk, put it on a book cart (which will be placed around the library), or leave it on an unused portion of a table as a last resort. All materials will be subject to a 72-hour quarantine between users based on guidance from the REALM Project.
If you are a CC student, faculty member, or staff member who is unable to enter the library or has health and safety concerns, please contact the Circulation Desk staff ( or 719-389-6184) who will help arrange curbside pickup for you.
If you are a senior CC student writing a thesis or working on a capstone project, Tutt Library and Seay Library will mail our books and scores to you if we can’t find e-book replacements.
To start the process, please contact the liaison librarian for your major. They will work with you to find which books we can obtain as e-books and which books we will be able to mail to you, and to get your shipping and other contact information. After that, they will help you make the request in our online catalog and alert staff who will ship you the books—a total of up to 10 books at a time can be checked out to you this way. You will need to keep the box and other shipping materials to return the books, and you will also be sent a pre-paid return shipping label.
Note that shipping takes approximately 10 days depending on region. Due dates will be extended for these materials. We are only shipping books from our regular circulating collection and not theses, DVDs, equipment, etc., or books from other libraries such as interlibrary loan books. .
The Library has access to thousands of titles through its online resources. All of these titles are findable using the library catalog (via the “Search” box on the Library website) or the databases list.
Be sure you access the Library’s resources through one of these locations so you are given an opportunity to authenticate yourself as a member of the CC community. If you use another route, the publisher cannot recognize you as such and may not give you full access. If you encounter any technical issues accessing electronic resources during this time, please contact us.
Yes, users can request print and electronic materials not held in the Library collection. Interlibrary loan is now available. Note, however, that there may be delays in obtaining materials due to continuing closures of many libraries as a result of COVID-19. So please try to make interlibrary loan requests with as much notice as possible. If you need a book or other resource quickly, please contact your liaison librarian
Yes! Research desk librarians are happy to answer research or reference questions from 9:00 AM – 9:00 PM, Monday – Thursday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM Friday, and 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM Sunday. This service will be offered entirely remotely this fall. If you have a research or reference question, send it to or use the Chat with a Librarian service available from the Tutt Library website.
Yes! 1-on-1 research consultations are available by appointment. You can request an appointment from your liaison librarian or by contacting the Research Desk
If you have any purchase recommendations for materials that will help facilitate your work, please contact your liaison librarian . We are still ordering ebook, streaming video, and print resources.
Faculty can request research assistance or 1-on-1 meetings by contacting your liaison librarian or contact the Research Desk.
No, Susie B's Cafe is closed this semester
The library is open to the CC community and still providing services online. Materials from the Seay Music Library Collection are available to pickup in person, or request in the library catalog.
All tutoring and academic services from the Writing Center, Quantitative Reasoning Center, Thesis Writing Specialist, and Cultural and Linguistic Diversity are being offered online.
The Solutions Center is helping the CC community online and in person. You can book an in-person appointment on the Solutions Center website.
For more detailed information see: forthcoming webpage.