These criteria apply to all periodicals (online or print).
Scholarly Articles:
Popular Magazines:
- Bibliography, footnotes, or endnotes.
- evidence of research conducted
- Written by expert(s) in the field.
- provides author’s credentials
- Published by Associations, Research Institutes, University Presses.
- “Peer reviewed.”
- the policy of experts examining article before acceptance for publication
- Written in the jargon of the field
- for scholarly readers (professors, researchers or students.)
- Illustrations that support the text
- tables, graphs, maps, photographs, etc.
- No footnotes or references.
- Written by journalists who are usually not experts in the field.
- Easy to read. Intended for lay audience. Informative and entertaining.
- Many advertisements throughout the magazine.
- Glossy, slick. Illustrated with graphics and photos.
What about other materials?
Like critreia for evaluating periodicals, these are important criteria for internet pages and databases too.