Some information sources are older and may be out of date on particular subjects. If you are planning on traveling or working in a different country, please consult multiple sources and be on the lookout for more current information. However, if you have time to read up on the history of your destination country, your hosts will likely be impressed by your efforts.
Going Global covers a selection of countries and includes culture guides with info on subjects such as local customs, greetings, language, business culture, and how women are treated. Look for the Cultural Advice section at the bottom of each Country Guide.
Countries and their cultures / Melvin Ember and Carol R. Ember, editors.
Reference GN 307.C68 2001 v. 1-4 See also online version
Encyclopedia of food and culture / Solomon H. Katz, editor in chief ; William Woys Weaver, associate editor
Reference GT 2850.E53 2003 v. 1-3 See also online version
Countries and Their Cultures / Carol R. Ember and Melvin Ember, ed. 2001
See also print version in Reference, GN 307.C68 2001
Encyclopedia of Food and Culture / Solomon H. Katz, ed. 2003
See also print version in Reference, GT 2850.E53 2003
Encyclopedia of World Cultures 1996
Encyclopedia of World Cultures: Supplement / Carol R. Ember, Melvin Ember, and Ian Skoggard, ed. 2002
Films on Demand, a database of educational and documentary streaming videos, has some material related to specific cultures. Search for your area of interest or browse the Anthropology: Cultural Anthropology section.
Based on the original guide by Krystyna Mrozek.
Most flag clipart is public domain from, or created by Diane Westerfield. Hong Kong and Welsh flags by erjkprunczyk at Flickr.