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Feminist and Gender Studies: Find Articles


OneSearch is Tutt Library's single search across our library catalog and most of our article databases.


Search Tips

  • After entering keywords you can use the limiters on the left side of the screen to refine your results by publication year, type of source, language, etc.
  • You can limit to only books, videos, and similar items by selecting "Catalog Only"
  • Records for individual articles will often have links to full text, and to tools that help you cite and save citations.
  • OneSearch is a great place to start research, but you might find that subject-specific databases give additional results or more precise results.

Find Articles -- Top Databases for Feminist and Gender Studies Research

Women's History Databases

Retrieving an Article

Not all of our databases have full text, but that doesn't mean the article isn't available!

To find the article text:

Tutt Link Icon  will lead you to to the article (if the library has access), or interlibrary loan to request it.  

You can also use Find Journals or Citation Linker to track down an article. 

Ask a librarian if you need help! 

A note on Search Terms

Databases and catalogs can often use language that is offensive or outdated.  Remember to try searching a variety of keywords-- even if it's not a term you prefer or would use yourself.  

Check out the Colorado College Libraries' Statement on Inclusive Cataloging Practices to learn more. 

In the news: Library of Congress Drops Illegal Alien Subject Heading, Provokes Backlash Legislation

Further reading: