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Race, Ethnicity, and Migration Studies: CC Archives


Professor Jamal Ratchford and his students began the Historical Equity Project in 2015. In 2020, the Catalyst published a series of connected articles:
The Historical Equity Project (March 1, 2020)
The First Black Fraternity Member (March 5)
The Civil Rights Movement at Colorado College and Its Connections to the College Today (April 2)
The Long Journey to Form the REMS Program on Campus (April 9)
Holding Power Accountable: The Slocum Story (April 22)

Overviews of the history of Colorado College

CC timeline:

CC demographics2011-ongoing Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness; 2001-2011 Common Data Set; 1996-2001 Statistical Profile; 1992-2002 Office of Minority Student Life resource directories; pre-1992 no data collected

J. Juan Reid, Colorado College: The First Century (in Tutt Library; search inside in Google Books)

Robert D. Loevy, Colorado College: A Place of Learning (in Tutt Library; search inside in Google Books

Digitized CC student publications (also available in paper in Special Collections)


Alternatives to digitalCC: 

CC Newspapers Internet Archive gateway (multiple titles, 1880-2004). Search inside one volume at a time. 
A few newspapers are inexplicably hidden at the gateway, so use direct links: 1969-70 | 1970-71 | 1971-72 | 1972-73 | 1973-74

Catalyst Archives (2015-present, including podcasts)

CC yearbooks in the Internet Archive (1900-2007)

CC symposiums 1961-2006 (for half block 2025)

Archives boxes 848-849
1961 (March 13-16) Science-Humanism
1962 War or Peace in the Sixties, The Issue of Survival in a Nuclear Age
1963 Contemporary Arts and the Citizen
1964 Second World War / World War II
1965 New Science
1966 Humor
1967 The City / Urban America
1968 The American Presidency
1969 (January) Violence
1970 Can Man Survive?
1972 Emerging Sex Roles and Alternative Life Styles
1973 Radical Church
1974 The Death Penalty
1975 (April 9) Middle East; (April 10-19) Death and Dying; (Oct 16-17) Prison Reform; (Oct 27 - Nov 3) Southwest
1976 (March 17-20) Alternative World Futures; (April 5-9) The American Presidency (again); (Nov 29 - Dec 2) Africa
1978 (April 17-19) Eurocommunism; (April 24-26) Up Your Environment; (Nov 13-16) Environment and Development
1979 (April 20-27) Nuclear Energy
1980 (April 7-11) Fred Sondermann Memorial Symposium on the American Presidency (again); (May) Cold War
1981 War, Violence and Human Values (Holocaust)
1982 (February 16-18) The Threat of Nuclear War; (April 22) Absurd / The Wrongs of Spring
1984 (March 11-16) Mother; (April 9-13) Fred Sondermann Memorial Symposium on the American Presidency (again)
1986 Nikola Tesla; Japan Caravan; U.S. / Soviet Relations
1989 (January) Intimacy
1990 Wealth
1991 The Future
1992 Ethnicity and Identity
1993 Defending the Earth
1994 Spirituality and Religion
1994 Non-Violence
1995 Sexuality and Gender
1998 Visions of the World in the 21st Century: A Chinese-American Dialog
1999 Conflicts and Convergences (125th Anniversary)
2002 September 11: One Year Later
2005 Race Matters and Peace Happens
2006 Religion and Public Life: Why Be Afraid?

Information files on race, racism, and more available in Special Collections

  • Colorado College – Hate crimes, hate speech (homophobia, sexism, anti-Semitism, free speech) 
  • Colorado College – Racism
  • Diversity (Diversity Council, Diversity Task Force, Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer, student/faculty recruitment, Minority Concerns Committee)
  • Diversity – Butler Center (est. 2014)
  • Diversity and Equity Advisory Board (DEAB) (est. 2015)
  • Students – African-American
  • Students – Asian American
  • Students – Demographics 
  • Students – Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender (LGBTQ, EQUAL Empowered Queers United for Absolute Liberation, QSA Queer Straight Alliance, Bathroom Swap)
  • Students – Japanese (1890s)
  • Students - Jewish
  • Students - Latinx (Latina, Latino, Hispanic, Chicana, Chicano)
  • Students – Native American
  • Students – Organizations – Asian American Student Union (AASU)
  • Students - Organizations - Black Student Union
  • Students – Organizations – Korean American Student Association (KASA)
  • Students – Organizations – Minority Association of Pre-Health Students (MAPS)
  • Students – Organizations – Multicultural Organization of Students and the International Community (MOSAIC)
  • Students – Organizations – Native American Student Association (NASA) (changed to Native American Student Union, NASU)
  • Students – Organizations – SOMOS (MEChA)

Full list of all subjects:

Archive boxes on race and racism available in Special Collections

  • Box 456 Students - Latino/a 1971-1999 Latina, Latino, Chicano, Hispanic students; MEChA (Movimento Estudiatil Chican de Aztlan), publications La Chispa, Mirasol

  • Box 571 Students - African-American 1900-2015 Black Literary Magazine publication; Black Student Union; Black Awareness Week; clippings; correspondence

  • Box 574 Students - Native American 1973-2002 American Indian Movement (AIM) at CC; Summer School TRIBES; David Friend corr.; Council of Energy Resource Tribes (CERT) Summer Institute; Energy Simulation; Tribal Proposal; Tiger Tribe; Tiger Labor Org; Indian Education; Hughes Bridge Program

  • Box 684 Diversity 1874-2010 arranged by date: Minority Concerns Committee; newsletters; Office of Minority Student Life; Gormon; publication Fight the Power; ACM Minority Task Force, Minority Scholars; national programs (CEEB, Ford)

Full list of all archives boxes:

Oral history audio recordings and transcriptions

[Please note: the descriptions below are from the original interviews and contain outdated language.]

Dolores S. Atencio, CC class of 1977, graduated from Colorado College with a degree in Political Science. She attended the University of Denver College of Law, and was admitted to the Colorado Bar in October, 1981. A native of Pueblo, Colorado, Ms. Atencio discusses her strong Chicano heritage and her perspectives as a minority student at Colorado College. She actively participated in MECHA (Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano Aztlan), the Chicano student organization on the campus. In 1979, she, along with her former husband, Randy Serna (CC class of 1974) founded the Colorado College Chicano Alumni Association.

Mike Edmonds, Dean of Students at Colorado College 1991-2005, Vice President of Student Life / Dean of Students 2005-ongoing. He was interviewed for the LGBT Oral History project on December 12 2011.

Effie Evelyn Stroud Frazier, CC class of 1931, interviewed 1980. Effie Stroud Frazier, (CC class of 1931) was one of the first African-American women to attend Colorado College and one of seven members of the well-known Stroud family to attend Colorado College. She was the first recipient of the Sachs scholarship. In her interview, Effie Frazier discusses race relations in Colorado Springs during the Depression and her experiences as a minority student at Colorado College.

Raymond Dean Jones, CC class of 1967, interviewed 1980. Raymond D. Jones (CC class of 1967) was born in Pueblo, Colorado on November 30, 1945. While at Colorado College, Jones was the first African-American president of the Beta Theta Pi fraternity. After graduating from Colorado College, he received his law degree from Harvard University in 1971. At the time of this interview he was a judge in the Denver District Court, appointed by Governor Richard Lamm. Jones's interview focuses on campus life in the 1960s, attitudes about civil rights in Colorado Springs, and experiences from the perspective of a minority student.

Useful online resources outside of the CC Archives

Untold Stories  
"Stories of marginalized persons who make up our Colorado College community and our history."  Formerly known as People's History at Colorado College. This project has had several homes, including the History Department, the Butler Center, and (currently) Communications.

Colorado Springs Black History materials at CC Special Collections 
From CC Special Collections. Digitized Black newspapers, a map showing 19th century Black residences, and more.

Pikes Peak Newsfinder 
From the Pikes Peak Library District. Free online index to the Colorado Springs Gazette. Many articles are available immediately as full-text; others you will have to request and wait a few days.

Gender and sexuality sources

Looking for intersections of race and racism with gender and sexuality? Try searching terms like "women" or "gay" in the various indexes and catalogs above, plus:

Colorado College LGBTQ+ Oral History Project (2020-ongoing, audio and transcriptions)

Colorado College LGBT Oral History Project (2011-2012, audio and some transcriptions)

Digitized issues of The Monthly Rag, CC's Feminist and Gender Studies newsletter 2009-2018, in DigitalCC

Archives boxes 555 A-B, Title IX 1972-2003 (paper only)
Title IX regulations, proposals, actions; gender equity in athletics report 1994, revisit 1998; sexual misconduct task force 2003 including focus group responses, templates from other schools

Archives boxes 564 A-C, Women's Concerns Committee 1980-2014 (paper only)
Agendas, minutes, annual reports, Hiring / Recruitment / Retention (faculty, administrators, staff, women in the sciences), mentors, sexual harassment policy, maternity leave, Children's Center, Women's Studies, Feminist Collective, safety on campus, programs and events, anti-discrimination policy, proposed committee on CC fraternities; proposed Sexual Abuse Survivors support group, Diversity Task Force, transcriptions of interviews with CC women (Latina / Asian-American / African-American / Native American / lesbian), gender equity in athletics, Title IX, working mothers, proposed Director of Sexual Health Education / Sexual Assault Response. after January 2014, see Diversity and Equity Advisory Board (DEAB)

Archives box 569, Students - Gay, Lesbian, Transgender 1969-2010 (paper only)
LGBTQ+ issues, student organizations EQUAL, GALA, QSA, Gay Liberation Front, Amendment 2, 1972 symposium "Same Sex Lifestyles," 1993 interviews with lesbian alumnae

How to cite archival sources

When you cite archival sources (diaries, letters, memos, unpublished manuscripts, etc.), you should include these elements:

  • description of the item, including, when known, author and date
  • collection name and call number (when applicable)
  • name of the institution holding the item
  • URL if a transcription or digital version of the item is available online

Different style guides require you to present these elements in different ways, and some style guides don't discuss archival sources at all. For more information, see Purdue University’s When in doubt, speak to your professor.

Examples in Modern Language Association (MLA) style

Note: if you are citing the CC yearbook or a student newspaper, cite just as you would for any book or periodical.

Citations should follow this formula:
Last name of author, first name of author. Title or identifying information for item. Date. Collection name and call number. Name of institution holding item. [URL if one exists]

Item in an information file:
Memorandum from the President's Office to the Minority Education Committee. 2 February 1982. Information File "Students - Organizations - Native American Student Association." Colorado College Special Collections.

Item in an Archives box:
Fitzgibbon, Millicent. “Students Protest Campus Changes,” clipping from unknown newspaper. Undated (ca. 1920?). Archives Box 47, Folder labeled “Miscellaneous.” Colorado College Special Collections.

Item in a manuscript collection:
Albright, Guy Harry. Letter to Paul Peck. 23 October 1917. Albright Papers, Ms 0389, Box 1, Folder 3. Colorado College Special Collections. Transcription:

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