Bookends is a blog where Tutt Library staff and other campus folk write about the books we've read. Usually we write about the books we like best, rather than the stinkers, and usually we include links to our catalog and Prospector to make it easier for other CC readers to find those books. We welcome your contributions! Just email with your book review, and we will post it. (Someone will be in touch if we have any questions about your submission.)
Here are links to some of our most recent reviews:
Please email us with info about your book/movie/music blog, tumblr, event, etc., so we can highlight it on these pages! Reviews of books, movies, and music for Bookends are also welcome. And, of course, we'd love to hear what you have to say about anything else on these pages, or any aspect whatsoever of your library experience. (We'll make sure your comments get to the person who can best appreciate them.)
The Blog of the Press that is the Press at Colorado College - book culture doesn't get more local and hands-on than this.
CC Authors - Books by authors from CC (faculty, staff, alumni) are often available in the regular stacks. They're also on display in the glass cases in the Penrose reading room, and can be retrieved from those cases for perusal by the staff who work in Special Collections.
Colorado College Visiting Writers Series - attend the readings, read the books. They're available for browsing and borrowing in the inset wall display near the north elevator and the north and south entrances, on the first floor. (temporarily off-display, back in regular stacks, due to COVID)
Pikes Peak Library District - While not technically part of Colorado College, the nearest public library branch is only a mile south on Cascade. Bring both a picture ID and proof of local residency (eg mail addressed to your CO address) to get set up with an account. The public library has the best selection of audiobooks we've ever seen - perfect for that block break roadtrip - along with books, movies, CDs, and video games. They also have a spiffy "Find a Good Book" page of their own! If you don't feel like walking all the way down to Penrose every time you want something new, you may want to visit their virtual branch instead.
Tutt Leisure Books - our Acquisitions Coordinator (and book lover) Julia Drescher selects the most compelling general interest books for the Leisure Reading section. They spend their first year at CC up on the fourth floor in one of our student reading rooms, where you can easily browse and borrow them. (This collection is no longer browseable, due to COVID, but you can still peruse it online and make book requests.)
Tutt New Books - get 'em while they're hot! We buy hundreds of new books each block, and we switch out our display every block too, so if you are browsing the new book section (across from the circulation desk) and you see something appealing ... snag it. (This collection is temporarily reshelved into the regular stacks, due to COVID.)
Tutt Varying Display - Across from the leisure books upstairs on the fourth floor, there is a special assortment of books that changes every couple of months, depending on what we're up to. This year we've been focusing on student worker picks from the Leisure Reading section - definitely worth checking out! You might also like to browse some of our The Best of The Best Books of the Year display lists from past years: 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009.