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PS200 Politics of Africa: Activities

Exercise 1

Activity One - Africa in 5 Words 


Think about the word "Africa".

List 5 words come to mind on a piece of paper.

  1. ________
  2. ________
  3. ________
  4. ________
  5. ________


Share words with the class.

   Were there similarities between classmates?

   What sort of topics did the words cover?

Exercise 2

Activity Two - Speed-storming Your Topic

Sit across from partner.
Student on north side will describe topic.
Both will discuss for set time.

When time is up, students on south side
    move 1 seat to the lef

Once all students have met,
   revise sides so 
that south side
   students can discuss their topics

Repeat discussions and moving until everyone has talked with everyone else.

Repeat discussions and moving until everyone has talked with everyone else.


African Continent